Holy Week 2021 - Daily reflection

Reading: John 20 v18

Mary Magdalene went and announced to the disciples, “I have seen the Lord.”

Reflection: In the midst of all that we continue to live through, I was recently asked a question; should we really celebrate Easter this year, don't you think  like everything else that it should be cancelled?

Easter, I would suggest, is more relevant and has even more meaning now than it ever has, for the generation who are living through these uncertain times. Because Easter gives to us all, whoever we might be, a time to look positively to a future hope, that first comes into the world when Mary Magdalene rushes back from meeting the risen Jesus and announcing to all who will listen to her, “ I have seen the Lord.” What had once been seen as being the finality of death has been quashed and given a new and living hope of eternal life. To live as children of Light, to live as being children of God, with the hope that comes into the world that first Easter morning. So far from feeling in any way guilty about celebrating Easter, we should find ways individually and together to once again proclaim;

Alleluia! Christ is risen. He is risen indeed. Alleluia!
